A game made in 48 hours for GMTK 2023
You play as the thing we call procedural generation, which in this scenario is the dungeon master. You need to create a dungeon to protect your crystal, while heroes will try to clear your dungeon for it.
Don't let them get to your crystal and rebuild and strengthen your dungeon.

Drag the right mouse button to move

Use the left mouse button for purchases and replacement. You can place the dungeon parts on  the GREEN SQUARES

Use middle button to zoom in and out

Hold down space to speed up time

Use the hammer to destroy the dungeon parts and select the parts and click the green squares to place them

Place monsters in the dungeon parts

Use this to break the building parts, the energy they used will be given back but the energy for the monsters in it wont be given back, reselect anything to deactivate it

Big Room:
You can place two monster in this room, after each wave this room will heal them for a little health.

Small room:

you can place one monster in this room, after each wave this room will heal them for a lot of health.

Generator room:

This room will generate dungeon energy.


they are close ranged goblins with low damage.

Dark Goblins:
they are close ranged goblins with high damage.

Mechanical spider:

These are ranged spiders with high damage but very low health.

I underestimated the shortness of the jam :(

Notes:  There is a bug where a hero tries to move towards a nonexistent room, just place a room there and it will be fixed(I didn't have enough time to fix it)

Also in an ongoing battle, if you place an unit into the room, the unit will ignore the heros currently in the room, but will attack the incoming ones.


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very cool idea for a game, i think it could have a lot of potential if polished up with some playtesting (I found it very hard to get through the levels lol) but overall pretty fun idea and a good take on the theme

game only works in full screen mode